BB Journals Sales Page pink/orange Journals w BB dash circle(2880 × 720 px)
BB Art Journals MasterClass - sales page simple graphic w 2880

What if you activated your full creative potential and said goodbye to overwhelm?

Imagine Thoughts Icon

And you finally...

eliminated obstacles that hold you back from creating
started making art consistently
→ watched your skills grow week by week
→ developed your unique voice and style
→ built and learned to trust your artistic intuition

Does this sound like you BB Journals graphic (but right now ...)

Take a closer look at what you can look forward to →

We will deep dive into a new topic during each module. The best part, it will all come together in the end to create a stunning, textural, one of a kind art journal! 

Module 1 - Fabric Dyeing

Deep dive into creating fabrics! Hand-painted and dyed. Patterned and solid. We’ve entered textile heaven!

Module 2 - Journal Covers

Create the structure for your BB Journal! Learn to use your new handmade fabric in conjunction with store-bought/found fabrics.

Module 3 - Intuitive Stitching

Intuitive stitching demystified - you’ll be adding stitching to all of your projects! Or use your sewing machine if slow stitching isn’t your thing

Module 4 - Papers

It’s time to create some crinkly colorful goodness! You’ll want to dive head first into messy papers, mastersheets, and more! Honestly, papers could be a 6-week course all on its own! Take some time to really enjoy each process. This isn’t a race - we’re all about enjoying each step.

Module 5 - Interactive Elements

This is where we take out our sewing machines! Using all the yummy papers you’ve created - we start to create the pages for your BB Journal. This process is so different from the way you’ve made journals in the past - take time to explore and master each concept.

Module 6 - Signatures

Break free from the belief that signatures in a journal are just plain pages. We add so many inspiring fabric bits and embellishments before we bind!

Module 7 - Binding

Now that we’ve added a bunch of texture and interest to our pages, we are ready to bind. Your BB Journals is getting chunky and taking on a life of her own!

Module 8 - Embellishments

This week we take your journal to the next level! All of the add on embellishments will make you drool with excitement.

Module 9 - Closures

It’s time to wrap it all up! (literally and figuratively). Don't worry, you'll get to keep *lifetime access to this class. 

BB Journals Susie Hopper Testimonial Square v2

BB Journals Jo Dunn Testimonial Square v2

Headshot Brooke Henry Sitting in chair holding journal

Hi friend! I am so happy you are here.

You can call me Brooke or BB and I'll be your guide and biggest cheerleader wherever you’re at in your artistic journey! Whether you are discovering art for the first time or you’ve been around the block a time or two.

Creating has been an innate need of mine for as long as I can remember. Diving deep into every creative hobby that I could get my hands on has been one of the mainstays of my life thus far. Through years of exploration and returning to child-like play I have found my home in mixed media art journaling. I specialize in finding ways to bring more texture into artwork through textiles and intuitive stitching and combining techniques and elements that don’t “go together.”

My passion is ignited when I focus on creative problem-solving through play and experimentation, which leads to innovative ideas. My purpose is fulfilled and my heart is happy when I can not only share my knowledge but also help others to break down inner thought barriers in order to create freely and trust their artistic intuition.

I've spent years honing in on my process for creating art journals that are not only functional but unique works of art. I will teach you the steps that will guarantee results that you will be proud to show off.

Through a distinctive process of learning the "rules" and techniques, I will then encourage you to break the rules and make the creation process your own. Intuitive playing and experimentation will become integral parts of your art practice.

So far, I have taught and guided over 5,000 students, and I would love to join you on your art journey! Whether you are discovering art for the first time or you’ve been around the block a time or two. 

Welcome! I am so excited to have you here.

   Featured as a Guest Teacher in:   

Once per year, I open the doors and welcome new students! 

This can't-miss experience begins in mid-May 2025. Mark your calendar for the end of April to claim your seat!

Better yet, get on the waitlist, and I'll send you a reminder when it's time to enroll.  

BB Art Journals MasterClass - sales page hero graphic (2880 × 750 px)
BB Journals Sales Page chartreuse Journals